Social Media Strategy Course – Valentine’s Day Competition
How to do a social media strategy online course with homework and writing content calendars, setting goals, target audience and key influencers. Valentines Day campaign includes a social media strategy competition.
SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE: How to do a social media strategy online course with homework and writing content calendars, setting goals, target audience and key influencers. Valentines Day competition for homework! For the students of my new Social Media Strategy course here’s a little competition for you around Engagement, conversation diary/calendars etc. Bonus points for adding the Valentines stuff to your Engagement Calendar. 🙂
NOTE: If you’d like to give it a go(and join my 3000+ students online) but haven’t signed up, please use this link social media strategy course (coupon WebsiteMar2015)- half price til mid March.
A fun competition for you.
1. Complete Section 10 on Rituals and Rites of Passage in an Online Community particularly focussing on Conversation Diary around holidays and events. Make sure you understand that section – all 3 lectures.
2a. OPTION 1 in the Discussion area, OUTLINE in a couple of sentences a Valentine’s Day Social Media Campaign that you have seen kicking around the internet. From Pizza to Shoes to Banks, they all grab Valentines day for competitions, promotions and online community activities. You can link to them too.
2b. ALTERNATIVELY give me a couple of sentences on your Brand/product/service OR your Client Brief/Project (Lecture 3) and how Valentine’s Day could be implemented for the project or your company.
WIN one of 3 complimentary ticket to my online course Advanced Facebook (power editor, adding shops, analytics) when it’s released in March. I’ll be choosing the best 3 – the course price will be $199 so worth it if you are interested in expanding your understanding of Facebook at a Business level.
The first lecture in Section 10 is here
All my love and heart and kissy kissy stuff (you know I mean that most sincerely :P) in this most romantic of times. Happy Valentines Day
Laurel Papworth
Social Media Strategy
STUDENTS: Course Discussions are here make sure you have chosen a project for your strategy document (either Social Good, Gov, B2B or B2C) as it’ll make it easier to complete the homework and exercises.
good eye catchy movements!!!
Online Marketing Agency.
Contest like this is a great idea – thanks Laurel 🙂