1. yep – got the same generic email
    nope – didn’t bother to click on the link
    yep – rolled my eyes

  2. I had no idea they had done this.

    I did get an email from them, they were asking to buy ads space. But after checking out the site I wasn’t at all interested so trashed it.

    I am hoping everyone ignores their emails as well.

  3. mmm- I’m not ranked on the top 100 women blogger’s site (not that it’s important but I do kinda wonder why)… and even the most cursory examination of my site would reveal what I think about brands riding for free on blogger content: http://katiechatfield.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/senno-ekto-gamat/

    This is just really lazy work from the brand’s PR. I’m amazed that they would think that women bloggers would be ready to shill for absolutely no value- and the offer of ‘hey you don’t know me, and I have any track record but will you swap links with me’ is dumbass 101.

    How hard would it be to personalize an approach- or how about asking bloggers to be guest editor (an PAYING them for it! How on earth do they think they can build a community when they can’t engage highly connected and content building women with any value exchange?

  4. The sad thing is, I can see the rationale behind their idea, it was just so appalling executed.

    It’s not the dumbest approach to bloggers I’ve seen by any means.

    I recently got approached by a new online service that says it will revolutionise online shopping, but won’t say how until it launches.

    Until then, we are asked to look at the count down clock on their holding site and think about the ‘intriguing’ brand name they’ve chosen.

    Approach one was a straight forward press release, with the expectation that I’d pretty much publish verbatim.

    Approach two was the same release, but this time a logo included for good measure.

    Approach three was a new release…this time telling me that anyone subscribing to their newsletter would get £30 ($60) in adword vouchers.

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