Social Actions Change the Web Challenge.
Social Web for Social Good: Change the Web Challenge Calling all web developers! Create a web application by April 3, 2009 that draws on Social Actions’ open database of 60,000 + actions for a chance to win cash prizes: 1st place: $5,000 2nd place: $3,000 3rd place: $2,000 Social Actions currently aggregates opportunities to make…
Social Web for Social Good:
Change the Web Challenge
Calling all web developers! Create a web application by April 3, 2009 that draws on Social Actions’ open database of 60,000 + actions for a chance to win cash prizes:
1st place: $5,000
2nd place: $3,000
3rd place: $2,000
Social Actions currently aggregates opportunities to make a difference from over 40 online platforms such as VolunteerMatch,,,, and We’re looking for applications that will share these opportunities to take action on the websites, blogs, and social networks that people visit every day.
To be eligible to win, all submissions must: (1) be fully functional by the time community voting begins on April 6, 2009, (2) include an open-source license, and (3) make use of the Social Actions API. A panel of expert judges will choose the top 3 applications based on innovation, usability, and potential for impact. Winners will be announced at the NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference in San Francisco, CA, on April 28, 2009.
As part of the Challenge, Social Actions is hosting the Change the Web Conversation Series for developers, nonprofits workers, activists, philanthropists, and anyone who wants to use technology for social change. These online chats will discuss how to use specific technology platforms like Mozilla, Facebook, the iPhone, OpenSocial, Twitter, Ning, and OpenConvio for good.
How to apply
- Create a web application with the Social Actions API.
- Register and/or Login on
- Click on your Username in the top right hand corner of the screen.
- Click on “Submit a Project Idea”
- Select ChangetheWeb from the Prize Tag menu located below Additional Cause Area Tags on the submission form.
- Application Deadline: April 3, 2009, 3:00 PM PST.
- Questions? Contact
Developer Resources:
- Join the Social Actions Developers Google Group
- Check out the latest API documentation (in the Google Group)
- Check out the Developer Resources Page
- Go to the Social Actions Idea Hub for inspiration
- Check out apps already powered by Social Actions’ API + the Change the Web Project Gallery
Got an idea, but need the help of a developer?
Here are some tips for how to find a volunteer web developer.
Join us
- February 23, 2009 – Submission Period Begins 11:00 AM PT
- March 16, 2009 SXSW Party! Convio Nonprofit Technology Bash Featuring Change the Web
- April 3, 2009 – Application deadline 3:00 PM PT
- April 6, 2009 – Community Voting Begins 11:00 AM PT
- April 10, 2009 – Community Voting Closes 3:00 PM PT
- April 13, 2009 – Top Twenty Finalists Announced 11:00 AM PT
- April 28, 2009 – Winners announced at NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference in San Francisco
Joe Solomon
Director of Social Actions’ Change the Web Challenge
Tel: (415) 683 6185
Rest is here.
Thanks for drawing attention to the Change the Web Challenge! Many exciting applications already submitted, and many MORE to come before the deadline!
Christine Egger
Social Actions
Change the Web Challenge. – $5,000 for the winner!