SlatteryIT/ABC Radio: WildWicked Wanton Women wanted
Uh oh, Rachel Slattery from SlatteryIT is up to her usual tricks – roping in women to get up and talk in public. 🙂 Are you up for it? ’twill be recorded by ABC Radio, late November, live somewhere in Sydney. Wonderful Web Women Wanted! DebateIT: The Web is a Wonderful World for Women will…
Uh oh, Rachel Slattery from SlatteryIT is up to her usual tricks – roping in women to get up and talk in public. 🙂 Are you up for it? ’twill be recorded by ABC Radio, late November, live somewhere in Sydney.
Wonderful Web Women Wanted!
DebateIT: The Web is a Wonderful World for Women will be held this November and we are looking for women with web business models to speak. (Email us suggestions) DebateIT is Slattery IT’s new debating series and follows on from last week’s topic DebateIT: Blogging is as useful as talkback radio, where speakers such as Fairfax’s Pippa Leary and the ABC’s Tony Walker shared their views on a range of issues relating to the blogoshpere. DebateIT: Blogging is as useful as talkback radio will be aired on ABC radio in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
If you know of a woman who should be on the panel, please email Rachel at (the above was from Slattery’s Watch newsletter)!
Incidentally Wild Wicked Wanton Women of Web 2.0 (Facebook group) now has 50 members. 48 female 2.0 and two males (alpha Tim Longhurst and beta Dave King). And yes, I tried to explain to Tim that Alpha is the version before (worse) than Beta and much less evolved than 1.0 and 2.0, but he still wanted to be Alpha Male! *shakes head* Heh.
Oh here’s a question for you: Amit Agarwal last year had the Most Beautiful Women Bloggers of 2006 (vloggers) – why wasn’t I on the list? Oh wait, no, scrap that, that’s not the question. What I want to know – specifically the women – isn’t there something awesome about being able to blog in your jammies and ugg boots? Do we need to be prettified, sexualised to make IT “attractive” to a younger generation a la rose petals and baths? I’m of the opinion that every woman relates to IT in individual ways – some are frustrated it’s not glamorous enough, others like me are just relieved. Except when we don’t make the most “beautiful list”: then we cry.
*blogging to you in her ‘fat’ jeans, and a smelly t-shirt that needs a good wash*.
And yes, if the above ramblings seem contradictory, they are. Sooooo?
Maybe someone should start a “Most Beautiful Australian Women Bloggers” list 🙂
I’d put Sharon Don forward for Web Chick Blogger 2.0 …..but look at the trouble she caused last time she was on a list like this 😛
@Sara – ewww. But I’d sign up for a “Cutest in her jammies and uggies, sipping a cup of tea while blogging” list. Why can’t we have images of women comfortable with themselves – in lab coats, or at a microscope or leading a project team? Of course Sara you always look divine. 🙂
@Dean – yeah I wasn’t a big fan of the calendar. I disagreed that it would attract girls to IT&T – it would’ve turned me OFF. But for others it was a bit of fun. For most it was guaranteed pubicity for fundraising, not a bad thing. *shrugs* I’d rather women tried strategies to even up imbalances than sit back and criticise and do nothing.
RT @moore_not_less: RT @WDClife: RT @pleasure_spot: @WDClife FUR 2nite…Yes! Love the Swedish House Mafia song & vid …
Stacie Walker.