1. nah. business reality. And I prefer this sort of open courting of bloggers than simply ripping them off by sending an email saying “hey, post this press release to your blog, willya” or the sneaky “i’ll give you a few bucks but shhh.”

    Besides marketing and advertising were always supposed to be about providing relevant timely information so that people can make relevant, timely and informed decisions, no? Well, now marketers have to focus on that, not just shouting at us. 🙂

  2. I agree: business reality. When I was a journalist, I couldn’t possibly have filled the space I had to fill without the story ideas PR firms gave me. Lots of the ideas were garbage of course but I’d rather have had them than been scrabbling around for stories. I also went on paid-for trips that enabled me to bring back stories I couldn’t otherwise have written, including some negative ones.

    Bloggers who write in certain areas should be grateful that they’re being taken seriously enough for business to court them. It’s a compliment, not something invidious. Being well-informed requires you to know what a company has to say. We may live in an opinion-driven world but it’s nice when those opinions are based on some information!

  3. I have a funny feeling Mike might’ve meant to comment on the other post – about me crawling around the seedy underbelly of flipping sites and splogs.

    One thing I continually look out for, and challenge, is the opinion that blogs are only negative publicity. Good companies, with great products would be shocked at the support they have out there. Not just Apple I mean. 🙂

    And Steve, I’m a big believer in both peer reviews (user gen) AND expert testimony (journos). I just think they should be clear on the site which is which. Colours are good. Red for paid-for opinions, green for user generated content. Or whatevs. Then no one feels ripped off or that anyone is hiding anything.

  4. Thanks for sharing the Toyota example – I’m constantly looking for good ROI case studies for blogging to share with clients who are still hesitant on sticking their toes in the blogging water. With more major brands like Toyota doing this that should help others follow their lead.

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