Quick Social Media Planner and Course Planner #UdemyLive
SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE PLANNER Some time ago I showed my UdemyLive frankenplanner for online courses to another Udemy instructor and he LAUGHED *pouts* but I want to point out that “creative” people often need to write and create AWAY from the computer to plan properly (purely “functional” people may just use dot points in Notepad…
SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE PLANNER Some time ago I showed my UdemyLive frankenplanner for online courses to another Udemy instructor and he LAUGHED *pouts* but I want to point out that “creative” people often need to write and create AWAY from the computer to plan properly (purely “functional” people may just use dot points in Notepad and Trello but that may not work for ALL lecturers). I used my UdemyLive book to lay out course goals, customer avatars (Udemy ones) and social media plan. I thought I would show this to you (super fast, just a quick overview for 2018) and ask – funny and silly? Useful and exactly how you work? PS my Client/Workshop courses and social media planners are usually beautiful and laid out with stickers and stamps and washi tape LOL. I worked with what I had while travelling! 😛 PS I use the washi on the end of the pages so I can quickly flip to that section but I don’t use that setup usually. You can also comment on this video in the Udemy online lecturers group on Facebook if you are a member
For those of you that are interested, we make social media planners (proper ones!) in my courses e.g. at conferences, the 2 Day Facebook Sydney Intensive Course and the 3 Day Social Media Professionals workshop in Sydney.