Peer 2 Peer Advertising – L’Oreal
Here’s an example of asking your online communities hyper-users to create Peer2Peer advertising for you. By bypassing the advertising agencies and having your community create ads, you not only have your target demographic deciding what they want to see and here, but they will distribute it for you too. Those of you in media and…
Here’s an example of asking your online communities hyper-users to create Peer2Peer advertising for you. By bypassing the advertising agencies and having your community create ads, you not only have your target demographic deciding what they want to see and here, but they will distribute it for you too. Those of you in media and advertising might want to keep an eye on this campaign. Not only are L’Oreal not paying for the development of the ad, but they aren’t paying the user who wins either. The prize is the fact it will be aired on TV. And that teen peers will vote for it. Can you see where this is going yet??? Couldn’t they at least have thrown an iPod on as an additional prize? Sheesh.
Varsity Media has just launched VarsityTv a mobile storefront with blogs, chat, ringtones, wallpaper, boards, music, tv (including user-generated videos) games, shop and so on. Its a joint venture between Varsity Media and m-Qube. Read more here.
Technorati Tags Online Communities, Peer to Peer Advertising, HyperUsers