Social Media Online Courses and Training – Social Media Manager Digital Training
Looking to take your business’ FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE beyond the basics? Need to write a comprehensive social media strategy for your GOV Department or ORG? Need Twitter ANALYTICS or Facebook ADS or a full social media CAMPAIGN course? Welcome to my ONLINE COURSES! From micro courses to full Masterclasses to Super Bundles, there’s sure to be a social media online course for you! NOTE: Bundles are most cost effective. Prices usually in AUD (or marked USD), corporate invoicing available. #socialmedia #training #workshops
Online Facebook & Social Media Classes from Laurel Papworth
I run real-life social media classes for companies and individuals, through the University of Sydney Centre for Continuing Education, at Conference/Convention workshops and privately in training rooms and boardrooms around the country and in Asia/Middle East.
However I decided to record my screencasts and talking head videos and put the workbooks online, in a cost effective way for students who cannot make it to real life classes with me because of budget or rural location or time. I also offer the online classes to attendees of workshops at conferences, events, and training sessions. The outcome: 10 classes – 5 are corporate focussed and 5 are platform focussed. You get the workbooks, the video lectures, and lifetime access including a Q&A forum. More courses coming soon!
Note: if I spoke at your conference, or you were in a workshop with me, you probably have FREE access to at least one of these courses. Please email me with date and workshop you attended to gain access (up to 5 days after the event).
What is Included?:
Glad you asked!
- Video lectures in most of the social media courses, many of the courses are completely screencast with zoomed in detail (if relevant)
- For Uni of Sydney and other courses now available online, workbooks and downloadable PDFs are available.
- Curriculum is a mixture of theory, case studies (examples) and activities (play along at home)
- Q&A forums are available for the premium courses (free courses are invited to join the Facebook group)
- Industry based courses (how to use social media for doctors or horse racing or local gov) have additional general modules included (how to do a Facebook Ad)
- Some courses have messages and information relevant to Conference attendees.
- Lifetime access on the “pay once” courses (monthly subscription courses do not, of course have lifetime access).
The Social Media Professional Courses:
I set up these courses for social media online community managers, corporate marketing people and so on. They are indepth and follow what I do with corporate and government e.g. writing social media strategies. If you just want a Twitter or quick WordPress course please look at the Quick and Easy courses which are platform focussed.
Quick & Easy Social Media courses
If the social media professional courses are too involved, these are Q&E shorter courses – how to set up and run a Facebook Page,key tips for Twitter. If you need strategy rather than platform advice please look at professional courses. :
Usually includes video and/or text lectures, Q&A forum, downloadable material & lifetime access for the student.
Please call Laurel 0432684992 or email her assistant if she is in class if you require more information.
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