Online Community Manager – Social Media Business
I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – let me know what you think! This episode: social network for arty crafty types makes $400m, massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft makes 1.2 billion (but still deletes my account!). Also, we managed the Junior Masterchef online communities (Facebook, blogs, forums) and keeping…
I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – let me know what you think! This episode: social network for arty crafty types makes $400m, massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft makes 1.2 billion (but still deletes my account!). Also, we managed the Junior Masterchef online communities (Facebook, blogs, forums) and keeping kids safe online against their own efforts! Issues with moving a client from Facebook Personal Profile to Business Page Migration (don’t do it!) and also the launch of our brand spanking new Social Media Q&A online community forum at The Community Crew.
Is there anything you’d like me to talk about in one of the next ones? I have got one coming up about theft in online communities and another about social media press rooms….
You can subscribe to these Social Media Business podcasts on YouTube, on Vimeo and on iTunes or subscribe via RSS (video)
Online Community Manager – Social Media Business: I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – le…
RT @SilkCharm: Online Community Manager – Social Media Business: I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – le…
Want to know what happens when you have 1/ 2 million kids on a Junior Masterchef online community? ^^ #IKnow 😛
RT @SilkCharm: Want to know what happens when you have 1/ 2 million kids on a Junior Masterchef online community? ^^ #IKnow 😛
RT @SilkCharm: Want to know what happens when you have 1/ 2 million kids on a Junior Masterchef online community? ^^ #IKnow 😛
This vid is VERY interesting easy chat style interesting social community topics.
Love this – easy chat warm style, interesting topics good pace:-)
Thank you – so glad you liked it 😉
Is there an audio-only version, Laurel? For listening at the gym. 🙂
Hi Laurel,
I am trying to help a friend launch her business, and she hasnt got a facebook account. I would like to explore with you the best Social Media forums for her. She is a Reiki business and she has her own website?
madesimple11 twitter
Must read… Online Community Manager – Social Media Business | Laurel Papworth … #socialmedia #smm
Online Community Manager – Social Media Business | Laurel Papworth …: Online community manager Laurel Papworth…