Not loving Google
… right at this minute. I get more questions answered on Twitter, don’t like their attitude to discussion ( hint: turning off comments on corporate blogs and YouTube video channels grumps me out), and thought they were being smarty pants when Google said they would never get involved in social networks. The promptly turned around…
… right at this minute. I get more questions answered on Twitter, don’t like their attitude to discussion ( hint: turning off comments on corporate blogs and YouTube video channels grumps me out), and thought they were being smarty pants when Google said they would never get involved in social networks. The promptly turned around and got involved with Orkut and OpenId and recently OpenSocial.
But Google Custom Search is kinda interesting re: social search and all might be forgiven. It seems to be people manually creating a link list (or ‘blogroll’) which is then searchable. For example
He’s listed 34 sites that are about Semantic Web and you can search just those sites. From a ReadWriteWeb dude, Marshall Kirkpatrick.
Here’s 35 sites on Web 2.0 by Phil Bradley.
Now imagine if a handful of us social network *coughs* experts *coughs* got together and created a social search, sorry, custom search list of a few hundred social networking blog sites? Wouldn’t it be easier to find say “ritual in social networks” or “appropriate code of conducts” then?
Not sure how this compares to Mahalo, Calcanis’ social search site. I’ve looked at too many things lately and the ol’ brain has turned to mush.
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