A New Home?
I’d like to move, but really can’t find anything sympatico. Then I found this blog post on loobylu and loved every home in it. Complete post cos it’s just too beautiful to decide on just one image: Homes 4th March 2008 I think one day I would like to build a house. It’s always been…
I’d like to move, but really can’t find anything sympatico. Then I found this blog post on loobylu and loved every home in it. Complete post cos it’s just too beautiful to decide on just one image:
4th March 2008
I think one day I would like to build a house. It’s always been a little bit of a fantasy for me.
I’m sure it all started with a children’s book. Early dream house inspiration:
Barbapapa’s organic abode from Barbapapa’s New Home. This was my fantasy c. 1978. How cool is that art studio over on the left?
Surely this was inspired by or inspired this bizarre modern home from 1968 which is not too different really.
Designed by Antti Lovag, photographed by Ken Sparkes, via Paleo-future .
And today on Ohdeedoh there was a post about this beautiful Hobbit-like low impact house built into a hillside in Wales.
As the children grew up and needed more space you could so easily just add on a new wing, Barbapapa style. Honestly, I would have a problem with the bugs. Perhaps I would get used to it, but it reminds me of some of the houses we visited on a holiday to Nimbin when we were small. (speaking of Nimbin, here’s another cool house)
Good stuff for the imagination anyway.
Loobylu is a woman’s blog – Aussie – and she’s won a few awards.
I also found my perfect tree house home at H.P. Lovecraft island in Second Life. I really should be made of pixels you know. Tron anyone?
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