1. Hi Laurel,

    Nice post, and thanks for the good words. (Although you have me as Elroy in the T-rati links at the bottom… 😉 )

    I did respond on my blog in the comments, but also popped by here. (It’s too bad Blogger doesn’t support trackbacks).

    I think that most companies (AOL, MSN, Newscorp) view their online communities not as freestanding communities, but as commodities to be bought, sold, or otherwise managed. Corporations make dodgy citizens and even worse governments.

    I think that a user supported model will emerge at some point and unseat everyone else. Hmm, how about we start that ourselves?


  2. pfft, I’m a goode speller, I is!*hides the EDIT button*

    I think that a user supported model will emerge at some point and unseat everyone else. Hmm, how about we start that ourselves?

    I’m sooooo there. Slashdot ranking/moderation, distributed advertising… oh wait, hasn’t Diggnation already done it? Oh.

  3. Digg tries. There’s something missing though. Digg is really easy to game and it’s taboo to list your own stuff.

    Plus the Digg UI has always sorta put me off a bit. I never feel at home using Digg – but like I’m trespassing somehow.

    Even with Digg, though, the actual infrastructure of the community still lies in the hands of those who may have contrary needs outside the community.

    Having said all that … please! Digg my posts! 🙂

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