1. X Prizes are not marketing gimmicks. The X Prize foundation’s mission is “Radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity” and has already contributed to advances in technology, with the Ansari X Prize already awarded to Burt Rutan for Space Ship One’s achievements. Ten times the amount of the prize winnings was spent by competitors trying to win the prize.

    A proper moon base will face many issues, recycling, power requirements, food sources and overall efficiency.

    Technologies developed during this process will likely play a part in the battle against climate change.

    The X Prize foundation ia modelled on the principles of the Orteig Prize, which stimulated not only technology, but the imagination of many people to achieve a single goal.

    X Prizes are the ultimate in crowdsourcing and very Generation Y.

  2. Yeah I read that – and I’m not buying it.

    Competitive behaviour based on capitalism and free market enterprise, where huge companies invest massive money to come up with the same/similar technology isn’t crowdsourcing – it’s the antithesis. If it’s 10x as much – that’s $300 million EACH TEAM is wasting on duplicate research.

    How about Microsoft, Google, IBM, Yahoo get together and send ONE group up? and then take it further together? Or spend the difference down here?

    *shrugs* they can play space games, until the cows come home. But don’t stick a “climate control” “for the benefit of humankind” sticker on it… it’s a bunch of geek boys playing spaceships. BTW did they ever find the low cost fuel through SpaceShipOne or was that just a marketing exercise/fundraiser for Branson?

    Not that I would say no to a ticket. 😛

  3. It’s not ten times for each team. Nor is it all duplicate research, teams used different approaches for the same problem.

    Space Ship One technology is licensed to Branson’s Virgin Galactic, Paul Allen funded it and low cost fuel had nothing to do with it.

    The X Prize foundation is far from a male-only enterprise.

    It IS crowd sourcing in that it takes the collective intelligence and imagination from the public to complete the project.

    They supply their own elbow grease and money and humanity moves up another rung of technology advancement.

    Government agencies are no longer reaching for the highest rung, just the next election.

  4. Ten times the amount of the prize winnings was spent by competitors trying to win the prize. was written by you. You weren’t clear that it wasn’t each team.

    SpaceShipOne won the X Prize based on nitrous oxide and rubber(secret recipe, their intellectual property, not openly benefiting any other company).

    Not sure why you said it is not a male-only enterprise. However now that you mention it, which females are part of the billionaire boys club – Paul Allen, Branson, whoever. Melinda Gates?

    The public has sod-all to do with it. And I can’t believe you fell for that marketing crap.

    Give the prize to a bunch of companies opening up their intellectual property databases to each other to sequence the human genome like the pharmaceutical companies did recently using wikis. Give the prize to InnoCentive or YourEncore or NineSigma or one of those other science wikis where companies open their intellectual property databases for anyone – anyone – hundreds of thousands of scientists, you and me, to find ways of improving life on this planet.

    Even give the money to the US Patent Office -yep a US Government Department of Commerce -to get their Community Patent Review Wiki off the ground. While I have no problems siphoning off 30 million from guys like Branson and Allen (and now Sergey Brin from Google) who want to play astronauts, crowdsourcing by opening intellectual property to humanity is the paradigm shift that may really lead to fixing the mess we’ve got ourselves into on dear ol’ Mother Earth. Not scampering around the Moon sticking corporate logos on anything that moves. Which umm, probably wouldn’t be much. 😛

  5. Laurel, those companies you mentioned should not get the prize if you think x-prize is a waste of money. I would not be naive about the motives of any company using crowdsourcing as a way to access collective intelligence for greater good *NOT*.

    Maybe it is an advertising, attention grabing ploy by companies but if the outcome is something that helps people out then what is the harm. Certainly better than spending 600 billion dollars on a war that could have solved a few global problems.

    IF by offchance doing this, we do find a way to combat climate or something important, then it is a small price to pay. don’t you think?

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