Not For Broadcast #media #socialmedia
10,000 breaking news citizen journalism videos on YouTube marked as **Not For Broadcast** and an ABC TV affiliate that ignores Twitter’s breaking news … may you live in interesting times #media #socialmedia #donedeal
I saw an article on a media outlet wondering out loud what a big bang (noise) in Arizona was … so I went on Twitter and found the answer including a video on a Geminid meteor hitting near the Arizona airport. I wonder why they didn’t?
Not Listening to Social, Media
This caught my eye and it’s all a bit odd… (part of ABC Network America)
TUCSON (KGUN9-TV)– Hundreds claim they saw a large light, as well as heard one to two loud booms across Tucson Tuesday night.
KGUN 9 has received tons of calls and over 600 comments on our Facebook page from people across Tucson and Arizona. We even had a person in Flagstaff claim to see something suspicious.
Here’s an account from our viewer Tony Kubrak: “My wife and I and my son were sitting in the house, and we felt this absolutely tremendous explosion, I mean, it shook the windows, it shook everything in the house. I stepped outside, and had to be no more than 3 minutes later after I hear all of this, and I see this tremendous, white, bright light in the western sky. And it was just…it was absolutely enormous, I couldn’t believe it.”
And then goes on with checking sources:
We also spoke to our Phoenix affiliate, KNXV. They said they have received the same types of calls from people in the Phoenix area.
Here are agencies who told us they have no idea what the booms and lights were: Pima County Sheriff’s Department, Pinal County Sheriff’s Department, Tucson Police, Southwest Gas, Tucson Electric Power, and the National Weather Service in Tucson.
We are still waiting to hear from: El Paso Gas, Tucson Electric Power, Kitt Peak, and Steward Observatory.
We also spoke to Davis Monthan and Luke Air Force Base.
Both said they don’t think it was them, they will have to call us back in the morning.
Which led me to check Twitter, within minutes the sorts of tweets below arrived (I’m writing this a day or two later and don’t remember the first one I saw, sorry).
My father was saying it’s either a meteor or satilite… I just like to think it was a star 🙂
— Da’gooteh shii Sami (@Sammi1331) December 11, 2013
It was a meteor! 😮
— Marcella♡ (@M_Estradaaaa) December 12, 2013
Which led me to a video which went up within a very short amount of time on Youtube (rather boring one but the meteor is hitting earth)
Which led me to wonder… why didn’t a new/media/TV station know all this in like 10 minutes too? Either: Not a verified source (even with a video), not in the “must call” list (likely) or what’s social media? (unlikely). Strange.
Not For Broadcast, Social Media
Even stranger is the shift in YouTube Land to “Not for Broadcast”. Gives chills up my spine… the writing is on the wall unless the Gov enforces Fair Use (a now mostly irrelevant law). Some of these video “citizen journalists” are getting 3 or 4 million views for breaking news stories. How do we protect OUR copyright.? Message to broadcasters: They’re OUR stories. Not YOURs. We only loaned them to you. Now we’re taking them back. 10,000 YouTube videos have **NOT FOR BROADCAST** on them. We are revolting. Against media stealing our stories.
It’s going to be a tough road, balancing social need to know against commercial interests in media. But then again, you already knew that…
By the way, I LOVED my stay in Phoenix Arizona. Love love love Arizona. I just want to say that.
I love Twitter for this very reason, people answering questions before the media do. I know PR teams that use Twitter walls in their newsrooms to get the news before it becomes news. Keep up the good work Laurel.