1. hi SC.
    Have they made any comments on this? …or maybe they don’t pick up the comments made obout their site, haha. Thnx for this!

  2. Hi Laurel,

    I’m one of the team at MarCom Professional. One of the massive headaches (and I mean MASSIVE) we had on starting the network was membership registrations by recruiters and headhunters. At one point they threatened to become the majority!

    That explains why we’re a bit more careful than the any-and-all-welcome-we-just-want-big-numbers brigade. And also, I hope, explains why you can’t register as one company and then make the switch. If you, or anyone else on this thread can come up with a superior way to moderate membership to keep out the headhunters, I’ll buy the grande lattes and will also throw in a muffin!

    Of course, it goes without saying that we’d love you to join and I can only apologise for the difficulties you experienced. If you do feel like trying again, and we hope you do although I understand if you don’t, please use my email address as the someone you know… philip{_at_}influencecrowd.com.

    Finally, you are quite right about the “contact us”. For example, I talk about being part of the team on my biography on the site, but that’s no good if you don’t know to click on me in the first place. So we will be updating the Contacts page today.

    Thanks for ranting about this… your feedback is most welcome. Philip.

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