Set up Custom ChatGPT for Local Government – Australia – tutorial
how councils and local government can step by step setup a custom GPT to train the AI on their policies and frameworks.
CUSTOM CHATGPT for LOCALGOV a quick video tutorial on training ChatGPT wrapper (custom GPT) on a series of documents. For this example I used Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning environment sustainability docs, and trained the custom GPT on them so that councils could query the Departments papers, upload the council’s docs to contrast and compare with ChatGPT and so on. More info and resources on my website but yeah, training Custom GPT tutorial.
FYI minutes after uploading this OpenAI changed the custom GPT offering (including a Team option for sharing GPTs). Tis the nature of the times. The GPT app shop is now open.
FYI it’s QLD Gov but I’m assuming any Australian department has a similar bunch of PDFs for stakeholders to download.
Transcript of Local Gov and ChatGPT custom gpts (local council)
Hello, my name is Laurel Papworth and today I’m going to do a very quick tutorial on how to train Custom GPTs on comms documents. So policies or something like that for local government. Just to be clear, you’ll need a Paid for service like ChatGPTplus, Microsoft Enterprise 365 copilot OpenAI’s developer API
The Queensland government Department of State Development and Infrastructure webpage. You can see the local government environment sustainability framework information down the bottom of the page. Let’s scroll all the way down. There are key documents 12345. So download those and put them in a folder. They are the key information. Oh look, guys are on a computer; you need to read and understand in order to follow the guidelines and comply with them. Now what I want to do, I’m going to do is put all five of these and put them into a custom GPT. They’re publicly accessible docs. Log into Chat GPT, go down to explore and click create a GPT where it says beta. It says customise a version of Chat GPT for a specific purpose. So I’m going to make mine a local government mentor.
Click in there and it’s going to prompt you with questions. I need to provide a GPT to local gov in Queensland on the state development department’s sustainability framework. Click send message. It’s going to come up with a name and then it’s going to come up with a logo. It wants to call itself sustainaguide. How about LOCAL GOV MENTOR because you’re doing mentoring or the AI is doing the mentoring. Do they have a thumbnail on here? Not really, no. I can’t see anything that’s worthy of a thumbnail, so we’ll get that one. Chat GBT. Oh, it’s got an owl. I like owls. I know the rest of the birds don’t like owls, but should we keep it? I think we should keep it. Let’s keep the owl. I do like owls. Okay, next one. Very wise. We need to say love it. So it just knows and it accepts the logo. Should we focus on providing general information about the sustainability framework? Take the first paragraph. Given that most content creators in local government policy have got a journalist background, which means you lead with the lead and then you wrap it a few paragraphs before you need to. It’s given me some general questions down here. How does the framework address renewable energy? What are the key sustainability goals? Blah, blah, blah. It will get more information as we go along and it will be able to reconfigure these questions as well. The whole goal here is to have all the documents in, all the information in, all the links in, so that anybody can come and ask our little owl for their questions and have it give back intelligent answers because it’s fine tuned on the specialist documents. When I’m over here, I can change it to only me, anyone with a link, everyone. I can copy the link and send it to people. I can undo things that I’ve tried. I can delete it. And yeah, once it’s saved, now it’s available. Here we have, here are the ones that I’ve created. So for local government or the one with a little owl. So this is what other people would see. We go up here and we say edit the GPT and it asks me if I want to add anything more to it. I can see that it’s written a summary of what the sustainability network is involved with. It’s pre written a description to help people understand it. I can edit the conversation starters, which I’ll do in a moment.
So I’m going to upload the local gov files that I had opened up by just shift, clicking, selecting them all and clicking open. And now those documents that I showed you are entered into the custom GPT. So it’s fine tuning Chat GPT. To be specific on these topics. I’m allowing web browsing because that means that a local council can link to their own sustainability document which might be on the web and then ask for the local. Gov mentor to analyse their document. Apropos these documents I’m going to leave in Dall-e. If they want to create an image or graph or something they can. And then code interpreter just means that they can upload their own PDF and then say to the local. Gov mentor, hey, can you read my PDF apropos your pdfs, that kind of thing. So I’ll go here to update, click confirm. And now I’m going into the GPT itself. So I’m going to message the local gov mentor and I’m going to ask it a few kind of classic questions about it. Okay, I’ve read the documents, scan read them. So I’m going to ask it. I know that there are five elements and just say what are the elements of the framework? It creates a new chat on the left hand side using the local gov mentor. And now it’s searching.
It uses the whole of Chat GPT, but then the wrapper sits on top with the local gov documents in it. And there’s our five key elements of a local. Gov sustainability framework. And so on and so forth. Obviously I can go in here at any time, edit the GPT. I can do a number of things here. If I am editing the GPT when I’m over here, I can change it to only me, anyone with a link, everyone. I can copy the link and send it to people. I can undo things that I’ve tried. I can delete it.
So one thing to note is that it’s renamed the chat as framework elements. So it’s not inside the custom GPT, it’s in your normal Chat GPT.There you go. Wasn’t that hard? Didn’t hurt government being government.
And given the deals that our federal government is making with Microsoft, I’d be interested to see where the custom GPTs get rolled out for councils.
I hope you found that interesting. If if you’d like to talk to me about running workshops or keynotes or mentoring, you can email Or go to my website and I look forward to seeing you in the next tutorial. Thank you.
Resources on Custom GPTs for local Gov incl environmental sustainability
- Custom GPTs store
- State Development QLD
- LOCAL GOV MENTOR with the owl logo!
Contact the following for advice on uploading Council documents into a custom GPT or any other AI wrapper.
- Australian Local Government Association