1. Ahhh … just about to blog about that myself. Cant leave that one alone, right? Thanks for alerting me to that NBC/News Corp story the other day, can’t believe i almost missed it! It is THE tipping point for online video. Should be some fun time selling online video software soon…

  2. Reality? How can that be?

    Do Justin’s friends behave like normal knowing their being filmed? I don’t think so.

    Does Justin behave like Justin? I don’t think so.

    Heck, he’s got people messing with his life by spoofing his mobile phone and organising police raids on his apartment.

    It’s reality, Jim, but not as we know it….

  3. For me the “justin experience” is not about whether the content matter is valid. Tho with police raids and interesting interviews/coverage, it’s probably worth it.

    The main point is the interactivity. Five chat rooms that we see Justin occasional post in, the video footage of him responding to SMS on his mobile, the blogs that say “hey Justin emailed me”. I saw one blog where Justin commented and said “if you are in Seattle, look me up”. Video Star meets Joe Public. Offline Nonentity meets Online Superstar. THAT is the killer. Sustainable? Not sure. But still…

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