It’s all about MEEEEEE!
Thank heavens for Erietta, who sends me the most indulgent and addictive sites on the ‘net. And the bestest of the best (well, for today anyway), is egoSurf and yep, its in camel-case, such a luverly geek thing. The full title is “egoSurf – egosurfing without the guilt”. Simple. You enter your name and your…
Thank heavens for Erietta, who sends me the most indulgent and addictive sites on the ‘net. And the bestest of the best (well, for today anyway), is egoSurf and yep, its in camel-case, such a luverly geek thing. The full title is “egoSurf – egosurfing without the guilt”.
Simple. You enter your name and your blogs web address. We search google and find links to your blog. We calculate your ego ranking. We show you where your blogs appear in the search engines. 2Did we mention that we can search in Yahoo, MSN, and Technorati too? 1Got more than one blog or site? No problem, we can look for lots. We also keep track of your rankings over time, so you can see how your site moves through the blogosphere. How’s that for stroking?
Why do I need to egoSurf? egoSurf helps massage the web publishers ego, and thereby maintain the cool equilibrium of the net itself. We, the publishers of this here internet thing, need the occasional massage, the odd stroke. We aren’t paid. We aren’t recognised. Our sites hit count used to be enough, but no longer.
We need to be no 1. in Google. Do we really need to say more? Get surfing.
What also intrigued me was this picture on the about page. I could see that every letter was created from Flickr fotos. So I went and created my own, as ya do.
The story of Spell with flickr
Krazy Dad (jbum) made a note once using the letters from the One Letter group with the Flickr API. I decided to try making something similar as a way to learn Flickr’s wonderful developer tools. Along the way, it got VERY popular. I still feel like it could be better, but it gets the job done. I have made the source code available for free. It’s not coded very well, my first time parsing XML(ish) with PHP(4), and also my first time doing caching of remote resources (funny story, I had a bug in this script that bypassed the cache each time – when I got really popular, flickr felt the strain, and temporarly disabled my API Key). I’m still thrilled with the response it has gotten, and welcome any suggestions or comments. You can reach me on my blog at, or email me at
Yes I do do work occasionally. 😛 Remind me to tell you about CeBit later. ok?