Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter
Politically incorrect but funny! From Traditional media will make fun of this intense discussion but remember, it’s human nature to talk about something that is newsworthy – so mainstream media should be offering tools to do that better, not dissing it, right? I started a SocialMediaFlu hashtag (#socialmediaflu) on Twitter – there were zero…
Politically incorrect
but funny! From
Traditional media will make fun of this intense discussion but remember, it’s human nature to talk about something that is newsworthy – so mainstream media should be offering tools to do that better, not dissing it, right?
I started a SocialMediaFlu hashtag (#socialmediaflu) on Twitter – there were zero instances when I started at 3:13pm Sydney time, let’s see where it goes. (Answer: lasted 19 minutes)
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Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter
Politically incorrect but funny! From Traditional media w..
RT @tweetmeme Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter
Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy
Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy
Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy
i love xkcd so very very much.
when i saw that yesterday i lol’d thoroughly, particularly at @WIKU’s tweet.
Ryan’s last blog post..RyanSucksAtBlogging
Muahahhaha, hilarious and true.
I saw an interview with Ted Turner (CNN) afew weeks ago where they asked if news had been sacrificed at the altar of comment. Perfect example of this.
Estelle’s last blog post..DIY Jai Guru Deva
I so agree. Humor is good especially in times of trouble. The trouble here is no one really knows what is real with the so called swine flu. The last time there was a flu vaccine for this, it caused cases of a paralyzing disorder….no haha here
NKBE’s last blog post..The dislocated, outplacement part 2: what I learned
Hahahahah… that is just too funny.
It’s not Politically incorrect, it’s even factually correct. Just have a look 🙂
A little recap of how the Swine Flu scare unfolded in Twitterland…
RT @tweetmeme Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy
Rang the swineflu hotline but only got crackling
RT @SilkCharm Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy (via @tweetmeme)
RT @SilkCharm Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy (via @tweetmeme)