Heritage Media Fundraising Cake Day
Clipping: Heritage Media have a cake fundraising day. Revenues are tight. I made Duncan Riley giggle the other night by calling Mainstream Media or Old Media or print/tv/radio media “Heritage Media”. It’s not my term – but I forget where I heard it first. But it stuck. (Duncan Riley’s Forget MSM or Old Media, Heritage…
I made Duncan Riley giggle the other night by calling Mainstream Media or Old Media or print/tv/radio media “Heritage Media”. It’s not my term – but I forget where I heard it first. But it stuck. (Duncan Riley’s Forget MSM or Old Media, Heritage Media is the Term post)
It actually is quite nice – one thinks of listing The Australian and Fin Review on a heritage National Trust list, volunteers manning (personning?) the desks and strict injunctions against changing anything – the masthead, the font, the bylines. Perhaps one day the government will step in with funding to ensure these charming anachronisms are able to continue, in an age where news is always on, all around us and community created. One hopes so – I’m even willing to bake cakes for fundraisers to support them (though my cakes, frankly… well, even the dog won’t eat them). Unfortunately, Government funding, donations and my cakes may be the only sustainable revenue streams for them, for the future.
Don’t believe me? Go ahead and have a look at the discussion (err flame war, please don flak jacket before clicking through) on Bronwen Clune’s blog (she’s the Citizen Media Proprietor for Australia, in my book) A letter to Love Stricken Fairfax Journalists – a typical comment?
”PS. “…our colleagues in journalism.”??!! So they are journalists now? Nothing like staring at a pink slip and the incoming blogging/new media/digital barbarians to force a change of attitude is there?”
Oh dear.
Reminds me of that bunfight we had on here after I presented to 80 Freelance Journalists in Sydney. Yikes.
Ok I went a bit mad with the faux newspaper clippings. YOU make one then come back and tell me where you posted it – I’ll link to you. But only if it’s funny.