Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition
Freelancer are offering $25,000 in prizes for promoting their services to Australians. Great opportunity for someone wanting to “get their social media on”. Also some points on social media timelines. Tip: You have 18 days.
Freelancer are offering $25,000 in prizes for promoting their services to Australians. Great opportunity for someone wanting to “get their social media on”. Also some points on social media timelines. Tip: You have 18 days.
Thought this might interest some of you – Xmas spending money? Oh ok, it ends Jan 3rd so you can pay your credit card off with it.
Promote to as many Australians as you can and win a share in US$25,000. You can promote from anywhere in the world –
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, USA or of course Australia but make sure you capture it all on video. Click here to read the full details and enter:
Our grand prize is US$10,000 and will be awarded to the person who manages to promote to the greatest number of Australians. In addition to
this grand prize we also have 3 prizes of US$5,000 for the following categories:* Most Innovative
* Most Exposure Online
* Most Exposure OfflineWe also have US$2,000 and an Applie iPad to give away for the people’s choice for the Most Marketable Video.
As you can see the prizes are great and we currently only have 6 entries so this could be your chance to win some easy money. You can view the current entries
Do you think you can do better? Maybe you want to promte at an event will draw a large Australian crowd, perhaps you want to make a viral
internet video that will be seen by people all across Australia. whatever you do make sure you capture it on video and you could win the grand prize.The competition ends in only 20 days to get thinking and start promoting
We look forward to seeing all your creative entries.
Word of mouth, social media, tell a few people.
It’s worth noting for those that are interested in pursuing social media as a career, that there is nothing like proof of the pudding. So get creative, get networking and win something. Just remember, if it’s not on video, it didn’t happen!
Social Media Timelines
I’m not entering the competition because it seems an unfair advantage if I tweet it and blog it, and don’t do anything else. That’s the problem with influencers with 10’s of thousands of followers, we overwhelm the opposition. An adhoc whim-ful tweet from Rowse (Problogger) or Chris Brogan can blow the hardest working most creative entry out of the water. I hope that’s why Freelancer have got Most Innovative up there. I’d rather give others the chance to go for it, than phaff around halfheartedly myself. YMMV.
The problem is the 20 days (now 18) left for the competition. You need influencers to spread the word around or else you’ll end up with only a handful of entries. Freelancer has a very active community so I’m sure they are not concerned but if you are a company developing your customer community for the first time, 20 days will net you oh about 3 entries (just videoing and editing will take some ppl 3 weekends!) Here’s my idea of social media marketing campaign timelines vs traditional marketing. (remember with traditional, you spend a lot of money upfront but within a week after the last promo, interest has gone).
hehe I just went looking for a social media timeline diagram and saw this and thought – wow! brilliant! just what I need! – completely forgot it’s mine. At least I have one fan of my work…
Obviously if you have only 20 days (18 now) to promote a competition, waiting for the social networks to catch on won’t work. By the time they do, the competition is done and dusted. So influencers help promote the competition – providing they don’t enter it themselves. Not sure I am being clear – I guess it’s the “what’s in it for me” factor of social media vs the “let me pass this on to my network”.
After all, if I’d entered the competition myself, I would hardly blog about it, now would I? Or would I? *bakes your noodle*
Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition
Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition: Freelancer are offering $25,000 in prizes for promotin…
Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition | Laurel …: Freelancer are offering $25000 in prizes …
Thank you very much for the informative post.
WIth thanks,
RT @SilkCharm Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition
Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition Interesting: someone looking for a social media project?
RT @SilkCharm: Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition Interesting: someone looking for a social m …
RT @SilkCharm: Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition Interesting: someone looking for a social m …
RT @SilkCharm: Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition Interesting to someone looking for a social …
Check out my submission…
…and leave me a comment!
some very interesting graphs here from @SilkCharm #web2 #socialmedia
RT @SilkCharm Freelancer –Win $25k in Australian social media competition
RT @silkcharm Freelancer – $25k in Australian social media competition
This comment was originally posted onTwitter
I though Freelancer was already established in Australia… just my impression from when I Googled freelance job boards in Australia.
When I Google ‘freelance’ now (I am located in Australia), is is the 5th search result from the top (and there are plenty of other freelance job boards in Australia). If I select ‘pages from Australia’ then it is no. 2.
I just went to the Freelancer website, which looks really great, and they offered a free ‘Outsourcing ebook’. I downloaded it to see what it is (free education never hurts):
It turned out to be a load of bull#. Just a pile of cliché-stuffed common knowledge outlining what outsourcing is and what the benefits are (stuff you will already have learned in high school), and then of course to the point: blunt promotion of Freelancer.
A part of it serves as an instruction manual explaining how to set oneself up as an outsourcer at Freelancer, and that is useful – as long as it is labelled as such (would be better to integrate it in the website though). All the rest should be cut out, empty talk just annoys people.
If Freelancer want to succeed in the Australian market then they should learn that people have a brain and don’t buy a load of clouds like that. There is nothing wrong with advertising, as long as it doesn’t call itself something else and waste people’s time (had to receive a link via email e.t.c).
Freelancer should also learn to spell properly in Australian English instead of just copy-pasting the American text. Cultural bulldozing doesn’t work …
The service itself looks good at a glance, the website design is great, ‘bid on projects’ is a good idea – it is just that ebook crap that works like anti-advertising and wake the suspicion that the company doesn’t have a good attitude.
and the RRP $29.95 note on the front page is just ridiculous… who would pay to read an ad.