Facebook Lite: Twacebook, 3rd world countries and Australia
Facebook lite is a version of Facebook currently being trialled in 3rd world countries with poor broadband – And Australia. Embarrassed yet?
Some Australians have been invited to use Facebook Lite and have asked me what it is. I had no clue and said “Twacebook”? ie. something that changes Facebook from a social network jam packed with apps and games and albums to a simpler Twitter like feed.
I only had half the story. It’s a simpler version yes. But for countries without broadband. Which begs the question – why Australia?
Last night we received a number of emails about a new version of Facebook that a number of users were “accidentally” invited to. Dubbed “Facebook Lite”, the service is a faster loading version of Facebook, meant to make it easier to digest your feed and consume basic Facebook applications. While there is no word on whether or not Facebook will enable platform applications, it’s clear that Facebook wants to make the site easier to use for those that don’t have fast connections.
Testing of the service is currently taking place in India and other areas of the world which don’t have access to broadband. (from AllFacebook)
Stephen Conroy should be deeply profoundly embarrassed that Australia is offered the “lite” version due to poor broadband speeds. Hell we all should be embarrassed…
Keep an eye on Lite.Facebook.com for updates (currently redirecting back to main home page).
RT @SilkCharm "Facebook Lite" launch http://twurl.nl/ccmpbb For 3rd world countries and AUSTRALIA. @stephenconroy hang your head in shame.
RT @SilkCharm: "Facebook Lite" launch http://twurl.nl/ccmpbb For 3rd world countries…and AUSTRALIA. @stephenconroy hang your head in shame
RT @SilkCharm Facebook Lite: Twacebook, 3rd world countries and Australia | Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy http://bit.ly/odAtX …
RT @SilkCharm: "Facebook Lite" launch http://twurl.nl/ccmpbb For 3rd world countries… and AUSTRALIA.
RT @SilkCharm: "Facebook Lite" launch http://twurl.nl/ccmpbb For 3rd world countries… and AUSTRALIA. ~ Loving the tagline!
RT @SilkCharm “Facebook Lite” launch http://twurl.nl/ccmpbb For 3rd world countries…& AUSTRALIA @stephenconroy hang your head in shame
Facebook Lite: Twacebook, 3rd world countries and Australia
Some Australians have been invited to use Faceb.. http://bit.ly/1HBJy
it’s because we have a crappy crappy broadband network. so much so that compared to elsewhere we might as well be on dial up.
that, and according to the rest of the world we’re so backwards that we’ve only had electricity for like 4 weeks, and that’s only if you’re in the upper class :p
.-= Ryan´s last blog ..RyanSucksAtBlogging =-.
“quick, let’s all get on out kangaroos and go meet up at the pub. you know, those one on the highway that’s just a dirt road. i keep hearing about this bitumen thing, but we dont need that witch craft ’round these parts!”
.-= Ryan´s last blog ..RyanSucksAtBlogging =-.
As I write this reply, my work computer is still actually loading this page. I think that says it all.
Shame, Stephen Conroy, shame – Aussies offered to trial FB Lite (for slow bandwidth countries): http://is.gd/2kb5y
What a beat up… Which part of Australia do you live in? The last time I checked, Facebook, with all of its ads and ephemera loaded fast enough.
Also, urban parts of India have decent broadband. At least as fast as here.
.. not travelled much have you?
Just got back from Singapore – there is NO comparison. We ARE 3rd world – I am within 4 kms of Sydney and ADSL2.
Your blog is very good!