1. Oh my God, this is o hilarious because its so true! Anyway kid, have a great Christmas and feel free to drop by for margaritas on the deck!

  2. oooh. Margaaaaaritas. When? you me ‘n gary should catch up now we have a few quieter weeks 🙂

  3. You mean there are bloggers out there who are making lists and checking them twice?!

    Oh noez!

    (I would suggest if your social media expert isn’t fluent in lolcatz speak then forget about it.)

  4. That is funny. I have been working with a client who has been very close to saying some of the above, but I always head them off at the pass. I like seeing it in writing thou.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year to you and Gary.

  5. I’m impressed with how quickly you got on to that swapped image.

    I run as much as I can locally to minimise broken links, as I link to a lot of political sites which tend to move and cause problems. In the case of the regular I usually make agreements with the authors in advance (although for Hugh there’s no need):


    Cartoons reproduced from Gaping Void are subject to this Creative Commons license

    I’ll de-SEO my post so that it shouldn’t embarrass you at all in future.



  6. haha too funny.

    top of my list: “just send out this traditional media release to online!” and “can’t you just put links to our shopping cart into online forums?”

    have a great christmas, Laurel.

  7. I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

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