Crowdsourced Laundry – Innocentive NASA
Innocentive is the crowdsourced wiki where companies throw up patents, business problems and technical issues that you can wile away a weekend solving, such as “Synthesis of a Nucleotide-Selective Label for Single-Stranded DNA” and other fun projects for the whole family. I kinda liked this one: NASA are wanting you, the great unwashed, to help…
Innocentive is the crowdsourced wiki where companies throw up patents, business problems and technical issues that you can wile away a weekend solving, such as “Synthesis of a Nucleotide-Selective Label for Single-Stranded DNA” and other fun projects for the whole family. I kinda liked this one: NASA are wanting you, the great unwashed, to help them do their dirty washing.
NASA Challenge: Simple Microgravity Laundry System
Reward: $25,000 USD Type: Theoretical-IP Transfer INNOCENTIVE 9454098This Challenge Seeks a new approach to cleaning fabrics of all sorts (towels, clothing, socks, under garments, etc) in space. Though the design of an entire flight ready laundry machine for space is beyond the scope of this Challenge. The objective is to design key subassemblies of a new system that would be effective within the unique constraints of a space vehicle operating in micro-gravity. Additional detail and pictures can be found within the Challenge.
This is a Theoretical Challenge, which requires a written proposal with diagrams and calculations only. The Solver will propose a laundry system that meets the requirements and justify it with a detailed description and relevant references.
I dunno what the fuss is about – when travelling, I usually wash my undies in sinks with those little bottles of shampoos you get in hotels. Can’t they do the same?
And what about the ironing? BTW I would put a photo up of Gazza doing the washing & ironing… if I had one… …. …
Crowdsourced Laundry – Innocentive NASA | Laurel Papworth | @SilkCharm
Crowdsourced Laundry – Innocentive NASA | Laurel Papworth | @SilkCharm
RT @SilkCharm: Crowdsourced Laundry – NASA NASA asking the great unwashed for help on problem solving
Crowdsourced Laundry – Innocentive NASA: Innocentive is the crowdsourced wiki where companies throw up patents, b…
Crowdsourced Laundry – Innocentive NASA
Those silly boys at NASA. Im going to write to them and tell them if they sent more women into space laundry wouldnt be an issue. Easiest 25k i ever made!
Right now I’d pay 25k to have all our laundry done. *lugging baskets* 😛
NASA wants you, the great unwashed, to do their dirty laundry #crowdsource paying $25,000 (get a woman? :P)
RT @SilkCharm: NASA wants you, the great unwashed, to do their dirty laundry #crowdsource paying $25,000 (get a wom …
Crowdsourced Laundry – Innocentive NASA
RT @SilkCharm Crowdsourced Laundry – NASA NASA asking the great unwashed for help on problem solving
Why do they have to wash clothes in space? Can’t they just wear disposable clothes? It would be much cheaper.
@LeoVerdonck #NASA Challenge: Simple Microgravity Laundry System
Reward: $25,000 USD #crowdsourced #laundry