1. Laurel,

    Thank you for the link.

    I think I prefer to not know too much about another commenter. Then all I really have to go on is their writing/their argument/point of view.

    I post frequently on blogs that have topics that are political/religiously orientated.

    If I knew extra information about another commenter i.e. their political/religious affiliation I might start to incorporate biases that cloud my thinking and response to them.

    Maybe it would be better to incorporate an “report abuse” so that hate speech etc could be moderated, but I think popularity voting may suppress dissenting views.

    Specific social networks are a bit different, they are like clubs where it’s more aspects of personality that affect our like/dislike of a person.

    What do you think?

  2. I downloaded the podcast and am listening even as a I type…

    As a personal observation, I think the requirement of blogs that individuals must read them has remarkable implications for the kinds of individuals who frequent blogs and the feedback they leave (typically in the form of comments).

    I contrast my my personal blog with my YouTube Channel. Many more people seem to prefer to ‘watch’ a video than ‘read’ a blog entry. While I have a core audience on YouTube, my videos get stumbled upon randomly by people largely ignorant of me and my other content. Their comments are typically more reactionary and less considered on the videos than when compared to feedback to the blog.

  3. Pingback: Laurel Papworth
  4. Pingback: Jason Kemp
  5. Pingback: bobbiea
  6. Pingback: Rasika Krishna
  7. Pingback: stefanie young
  8. Pingback: stefanie young
  9. The first shocking insight here is how little has changed in mainstream media. An evergreeen post is a marvellous thing. Hello 2008 interesting to look back.

    Blogs are now quite popular on many online papers here in NZ but all of the traffic is in favour of that media. There are no links back of any kind which reduces the credibility of many of those comments.

    A local paper here does now group all comments together by author. As someone who comments almost everywhere EXCEPT newspapers that feature can help me decide if the a particular viewpoint is worth extra reading time but except in rare cases difficult for readers to verify authorship from outside.

    I have worked on projects we we tried the gamification pathway and will do again to reward community building. However so many of the comments I still see on MSM are equivalent of rotten fruit throwing in the old twon square although I suspect that might be more fun for the throwers – for readers – not so much.

  10. Pingback: marcdanziger
  11. Pingback: Tom Gryn
  12. Pingback: Tom Gryn

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