Quick Social Media Planner and Course Planner #UdemyLive

Quick Social Media Planner and Course Planner #UdemyLive

SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE PLANNER Some time ago I showed my UdemyLive frankenplanner for online courses to another Udemy instructor and he LAUGHED *pouts* but I want to point out that “creative” people often need to write and create AWAY from the computer to plan properly (purely “functional” people may just use dot points in Notepad…

key values social media employer branding

Staff Persona Avatars: Social Media, Big Data and Employer Branding

Would you use big data tools that analyse social media to identify your perfect job and ditch unsuitale jobs? Should organisations use big data tools to analyse social media to identify perfect candidates and ditch less than ideal ones? Employer Branding and Social Media profiling I find tools like Key Values lots of fun but…

social media harassment at work

Does Social Media Activism work? Social Media for Awareness Raising #metoo

Will the Harvey Weinstein issue raise awareness or bury us in memes? Social media and in particular Facebook & Twitter raising awareness of issues that womens’ nonprofits have being trying to direct attention to FOREVER. The New Yorker (traditional media) might’ve started it, but social media is pushing everything along.   I friggin’ detest those Facebook…

social media facebook australia

More than Rumours: Facebook Changes #Australia

For my students: So Facebook has around 1,000 to 1,500 versions running at anyone time (split A/B testing of interface, algorithms etc). Some of the interface changes I am seeing or have seen:  ENGAGEMENT swapped out for Likes in the public facing ‘numbers’ area of a Page. Now the boss will ask “what is our Facebook…


Facebook Help: Social Media Online Consult for Small Business Saturday

Do you want me to look at your Facebook Page and give you some feedback? To do the research and then give you practical specific personal tips to improving your following and engagement and clickthroughs? I might be able to help you there … with a Small Business Saturday and Social Media Online Consult. I tend to…

How to create a Civilly Disobedient #shitstorm online & off #socialmedia

How to create a Civilly Disobedient #shitstorm online & off #socialmedia

How to create a resistance movement using social media and the steps to do so. This framework came from one I developed for social media campaigns for companies (workshops) but hey! it works for grassroots activism too!  Social Media puts the media in YOUR hands now. The power is great but so is the responsibility….

2017 How to Create and Use Facebook Business Page Lists

2017 How to Create and Use Facebook Business Page Lists

2017 How to Create and Use Facebook Lists: the old way has gone. Dear students, In this video lecture I walk you through creating Facebook Business Pages especially for LISTS. Why do you want lists? Oh to keep an eye on your industry, to see best practices from your fellow travellers, to find content to…