1. Get back to the end of the queue! back! back, I say! … Donkey.*

    *Warning: contains Shrek reference.

    hon, is that all you have to say? Nothing about how internet dating is reshaping our society? How to scale a massive community of this nature? Privacy, date rape and abusive behaviour, how do you know the bastards aren’t really married when they say they are looking for romantic love, should you bring along a friend on the first date in case he’s a wierdo or worse… a geek? Whether the cultural challenges of foreign dating services can be dealt with on an international scale? Nothing? Nada? Ah well… *giggles*… I pick j00! 🙂

  2. Merci, Monsieur Benson. I’ve put the book in my basket awaiting my next order (I just ordered a tonne of books last week, so it will be a little while).

    I loved your review Andrea Baker finds that people who participate in online relationships are not desperate, lonely, ugly, sex addicts and child molesters; despite common depictions.

    You are absolutely right.I think people should be aware that the majority of negativity about Web 2.0 phenomena such as social networks and communities, user generated content and citizen journalism comes from traditional media. After all, they are the ones with their you-know-whats on the line. For example, the error rate per 100 articles in Wiki is lower than in Encyclopedia Britannica but that’s hardlyh ever pointed out in the generic “User Generated is Crap” articles. And dissing social networks and dating comes under that umbrella.

    I once went to Melbourne (out of state) to meet a guy from the ‘net. He spent the whole of dinner talking about his ex-girlfriend. Nice guy but we could’ve done that chat on IRC (twas the days before MSN Messenger). Anyway, I found a nice red corduroy jacket in a market there that I still wear to this day. So the trip wasn’t a total loss 🙂

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