1. I confess I grow weary of the Bloggers versus Journalists shtick. I was in attendance for a talk to that effect at the Sydney Writers’ Festival though after the “Journalists are ethical” implication was unveiled, I groaned, rolled not so much my eyes but my entire head, and walked out. (Though I must also take this opportunity to applaud Antony Loewenstein’s efforts in defending us lowly blogging types.)

    I guess some people get it and some people don’t. They may never get it. Sucks to be them, I say. lol

    John Lacey’s last blog post..The Blogosphere: Part I

  2. So true and totally agree with John.

    Great post. Get over it MSM. I love the idea of being a user. More like being used I think (spot the commercial stuff).

    Moi I prefer the “inaccurate, rumor spewing, half baked noodley idea generators.” moniker. I wear it with pride. I even have a disclaimer to that effect. Oh and funny helps.

    BTW your site looks way snazzy.

    Colin Campbell’s last blog post..Cooking by Numbers Corner

  3. Oh I wasn’t in the blog vs journalism debate. I don’t bother – I absolutely know where we are going and can’t be arsed preaching to the unconverted.

    Anyway, this piece is to point out that many bloggers are in the same boat as MSM.

    So @John yeppers I lol at silliness from NYT. And I check that they are running true to type: Facebook wastes company money? Check. MySpace is for Predators? Check. Twitter is for vacuous airheads? Check. And bloggers will publish anything, unchecked, unverified and probably defamatory? Check!

    @ColinCampbell the interesting thing with bloggers is that readers figure out pretty quickly whether the site is publishing press releases with comments, or linkbaiting for vehement discussion or coming up with noodly kooky ideas 🙂 or a serious thought leader site. Just like with newspapers, the news we get from the local rag compared with the coverage in The Fin Review informs us how many grains of salt we need to take. Same with blogs.

    Glad you like the site. It has of course been on the new domain name and wordpressed since January, so clearly you have been busy? 😛

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