Best Australian Blogs
w00t! when did that happen? I made it into the Top 100 Australian Blogs, a list that Blogpond Meg Tsiamis manages. *cracks open the champers* I noticed that Meg put me forward for the top Australian Female blogger list too – I think I came in 17th at the All for Women site. It is…
w00t! when did that happen? I made it into the Top 100 Australian Blogs, a list that Blogpond Meg Tsiamis manages. *cracks open the champers* I noticed that Meg put me forward for the top Australian Female blogger list too – I think I came in 17th at the All for Women site. It is odd – I thought this blog was waaaay too niche to make a top anything list. How nice it is to be loved. 🙂
I think my Google vanity alert must be broke, I only found out by accident 🙁
Around the 16th of August – yes, I’d certainly be checking your vanity alert…
Congrats and you are loved 🙂
uh oh Meg.
Google IS evil!!!111!!
*bursts into tears*
b…b…baaaad g…g…google
*goes off to poke a Google Alerts*
Yeah for nice niche blogs.
i luvs u 2 xxxoooxxx
*cuddles* now I feel REALLY loved. 🙂
Very cool Laurel! Glad to see you getting some recognition with your blog. 🙂