An Evening Out

Cool. Erietta (from Cyberworx) and I moseyed on down to Mintners to catch Mark Pesce (futurist), Jonathan Nicholas (Inspire), Mike Walsh (News Corp) and Jennifer Wilson (HWW).It was a great opportunity for me to understand where Australia is in the move towards participatory journalism and marketing. Mark Pesce is an interesting and dynamic speaker. After…

Sssh! Listen! Don’t Talk!

Interesting article at about the BlogOn Social Media Summit in NY that happened end of Oct.In fact, attendees—a collection of bloggers, blog management tool vendors and marketers dying to infiltrate the blogosphere—acknowledged that the blog alone is passé and the real interest is in the community-building nature of the new “social media.”Yep, no surprises…

Lunch with Mr. M

Talking of money, my Donations Please netted me the sum total of zero dollars and five cents. So the chances of my asking Mr Murdoch wanton questions on his internet acquisitions over sumptous din-dins are now also zero as wabanhood paid $57,100 for the privilege. I’ve emailed wabanhood to ask her if she intends to…

To koine a lingua franca…

Off to Slattery’s tomorrow night and I’m really looking forward to hearing Mark Pesce speak. I haven’t read any of his books – it’s really bloomin’ hard to find them – but I have listened to hyperpeople. All 40 minutes of it, several times through (there’s still bits I’m struggling with). I would’ve paid for…

Lost in Translation

The blurb: Ooh, what a sexy phrase. Don’t we all want our significant others whispering sweet nothings about new games we’re all waiting for, or unchecked SYN packets. To give it that extra edge, the japanese text is a loose translation. So my question is, what does the Japanese mean (just how ‘loose’ is that…

Ingame advertising platform

Demonware announces targeted ingame advertising solutions: The Dynamic Network Advertising (DNA) platform has been created to satisfy growing industry demands for precise, individually tailored advertising solutions, targeting a specific audience through the analysis of multiplayer gaming habits, player profiles and associated data About time! It actually annoys me to see *fake* billboards in City of…