1. That’s the interesting thing about influence on social media. Altho LaTingle is around 155-6 on Peerindex, you will find that most ppl on Twitter wld rank her second or third after Colvinius for trust and influence. The fact that she tweets less than Colvin is immaterial to them.

    1. My list is already on Twitter and Peer pulls it in. Klout doesn’t have that service does it? I don’t want to manually check 500+ Klout scores 😉

      1. Also, a lot of people, myself included, have opted out of Klout because of its dodgy business practices and arbitrary scoring.

        1. verrry difficult to opt out Caitlin, did you find it so? Laurel haven’t tried it on any of my lists. I wonder how the same list would rank on Klout though just curious.

        2. Opting out is not really an option – most of the people on the list did not opt into the ranking program (the ones with “register” on their line), but it ranks them anyway!

  1. Hi Laurel,
    The list is quite interesting but I also wonder how you define journalist. Some of the people on the list are as much journalists as I am. Aren’t we all journalists now? Maybe I’m just being pedantic.

    1. Everyone is a journalist now – but tracking the behaviours of traditional journalists & how they are or arent using Twitter etc has been fascinating. My first post in this series in 2009 had less than 50 journos on it, and they werent particularly influential at all: this sector has changed a lot!

    1. I think MamaMia splits her traffic across multiple Identities… not sure how this service rates that, or collates it. Her newspaper column hasn’t probably been added in yet… dunno.

  2. Slightly bizarre list IMHO. I wouldn’t have classified Rod Peno as a journalist for example although he works for a news organisation, obviously. I have been a journalist for many years but now that I’m working on the digital production side, I wouldn’t have expected to find myself in a list like this — although feel free to add me :-). There are a couple of other people in the list I would say the same thing about.

    1. I agree – I formulated the list back in 2009 (see old blog post) and since then people have quit, been sacked, retired, moved in PR!! or else done other things.
      The list is actually a Twitter list (go to Twitter, create a list). Then Peer brings the list in and rates the people automatically. I just found out that Klout does the same thing – and rates everyone differently. Colvinius drops down, Mama Mia goes up.
      Almost as bad as circulation stats 😛
      What is your Twitter ID btw?

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