1. Two US presidential elections ago, I put together a team that started in the primaries and followed each candidates web site.

    We ranked them for look and feel, usability, wayfinding, issues statements, fundraising, volunteerism, and fostering communication.

    They all passed on fundraising.

    None passed on issue statements (Dennis Kucinich got the most with 13 I believe). George Bush had six, each of which was limited to a three sentence paragraph.

    This year Barack O’Bama is in the lead for best use of social networking. But people feel empty from it.

    Why? Because social networking sites are largely empty until you fill them with something social. My Facebook site is only important to me because I can line-item hug Laurel Papworth with digital arms that span a few seas.

    What is going to make Kevin’s social networking scheme relevant to me?

  2. Indeed. Vote for the issues, people 🙂

    As I pointed out on my blog, I dunno what the petition thing is all about … what are they doing with the information they are collecting?

    I agree with Jim’s comment above, I really want to know what’s going to make Kev’s online campaign meaningful to me … although good on him for trying. See today’s SMH.

  3. Resolve the kevin07.com to an addon domain.

    looks like they took your advice, they’ve done that now. Good idea to use a dotcom though, people will automatically type it – just look at the trouble crikey had because they didn’t own crikey.com. that took years to resolve.

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