1. Laurel. I think the ALP should be commended for giving it a go and hopefully learning through the process.

    The way I look at it – It’s all relative. Can you imagine John Howard engaging in these platforms in a way that brought him closer to the real Australian conversations?

    I suppose only time will tell how KevinPM evolves

  2. …. my comments from over a year ago on Kev07 are here including We will see more of ‘static portal hybrid hosted social networks’ for a while – companies and government distancing themselves from the challenges of social networks by outsourcing to social network platforms.

    Ah well, maybe next year, eh John Tony and Priscilla? 🙂

  3. Hmmm … was wondering what your thoughts would be on Kev’s website 🙂

    The first thing my eye was drawn to when I visited his site was “By signing up, I can keep in touch with you …” which made me think “your emphasis is on you telling me, rather than us having a conversation … no thanks!”

    I agree in part with Tony, at least they gave it a go. But it would have been much better if they’d employed somebody who knows what they’re doing re online engagement!

  4. I fully agree with your post. A total lack of authenticity or commitment to the medium. When will these guys ever learn?!

  5. Somehow I don’t think the man is genuinely interested in engaging with us moreso than attempting to influence us.

    Kevin still sounds like he is in campaign mode to me, his rhetoric is vacant. I am not sure that he is any better or any different to howard

  6. Hi Laurel, I think it’s fascinating how different politicians are using Twitter (and social media in general) – surely the green screen approach is the only viable one. I had the chance to work on a fair bit of web stuff for the ALP at the last election but I’m finding the new KevinPM site sadly lacking. If you’re interested in some futher reading on social media and the US election check out the post I wrote this morning, which will be going in Marketing Mag shortly: http://www.dpdialogue.com.au/zakazukhazoo/how-social-media-won-obama-the-us-election/


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