Search Results for: twitter

Social Media Strategist Jobs: Twitter Sydney Australia

Social Media Strategist Jobs: Twitter Sydney Australia

I used to do “social media job of the week” but haven’t for years. Anywhos. Want to work for Twitter? Head of Curation, APAC (Tokyo & Sydney)    The Twitter Moments’ feature showcases the best of the stories unfolding live on Twitter. It makes it easy for users to experience only-on Twitter conversations and get…

Occupy Wall Street – The Revolution is Twittervised

Occupy Wall Street or #OccupyWallStreet – the demonstrations have turned nasty with NYPD arresting, macing hundreds of people. A summary of social media responses including Citizen Journalism is Process Journalism, Why Governments Fear Social Media and online communities – the Demise of Representational Democracy, Why Traditional Media Ignores or Reviles Social Media, Move over Government,…

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