Twitter NFT Tiles and the Metaverse #TweetTiles
Metaverse meets web2: Twitter launched 140 NFTs in 2021 and Hexagon profiles in Jan 2022 and Tweet Tile NFTs in Nov 2022
Metaverse meets web2: Twitter launched 140 NFTs in 2021 and Hexagon profiles in Jan 2022 and Tweet Tile NFTs in Nov 2022
Social Media news for Australia including Twitter Blue, Facebook deplatforming politicians and LinkedIn tag a mate.
How to search and find Twitter lists using Google Search and other tools.
I used to do “social media job of the week” but haven’t for years. Anywhos. Want to work for Twitter? Head of Curation, APAC (Tokyo & Sydney) The Twitter Moments’ feature showcases the best of the stories unfolding live on Twitter. It makes it easy for users to experience only-on Twitter conversations and get…
Social Media: CEOs of Twitter and Facebook regularly meet with political leaders worldwide – Prime Ministers’ of Japan, New Zealand, Russia, South Korea, and so on. But not Australia. Why not?
I’m teaching a free webinar on Twitter for Australian Teachers – it’s on the PIL network for teachers and sponsored by Microsoft.
What are the four types of status updates for social media that improve engagement? Facebook and Twitter – be the magazine not the advertisement!
2014: Are you looking for practical computer based or lecture based training on Facebook, Twitter, social media campaigns, social media measurement etc? Here are a list of our courses and workshops in Sydney in 2013
Occupy Wall Street or #OccupyWallStreet – the demonstrations have turned nasty with NYPD arresting, macing hundreds of people. A summary of social media responses including Citizen Journalism is Process Journalism, Why Governments Fear Social Media and online communities – the Demise of Representational Democracy, Why Traditional Media Ignores or Reviles Social Media, Move over Government,…
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