12 Bugs of Christmas
Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas. The 12 Bugs of Christmas For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me: Tell them it’s a feature! Say it’s not supported! Change the documentation! Blame it on the hardware! Find a way around it! Say they need an upgrade! Reinstall the software! Ask for a…
Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas.
The 12 Bugs of Christmas
For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me:
Tell them it’s a feature!
Say it’s not supported!
Change the documentation!
Blame it on the hardware!
Find a way around it!
Say they need an upgrade!
Reinstall the software!
Ask for a dump!
Run with the debugger!
Try to reproduce it!
Ask them how they did it! and
See if they can do it agaaaain!
– By Alam Saeed
From Computerjokes.net
12 Bugs of Christmas http://bit.ly/5vO271 <- bit of geeky Christmas frivolity. 🙂
12 Bugs of Christmas http://bit.ly/5vO271 <- bit of geeky Christmas frivolity. 🙂
12 Bugs of Christmas:
digg_url = "http://laurelpapworth.com/12-bugs-of-christmas/";
digg_bgcolor = "… http://bit.ly/8qmC2I
Great stuff. She nailed 'em. "12 Bugs of Christmas" http://j.mp/63TRNU
12 Bugs of Christmas http://bit.ly/6KSjZK
LOL Ho Ho Ho..How to rid bugs from your app.in this X'mas season- '12 Bugs of Christmas' thx Laurel Papworth http://tinyurl.com/ycbpw2v
RT @SilkCharm: 12 Bugs of Christmas http://bit.ly/5vO271 <- bit of geeky Christmas frivolity. 🙂
RT @tweetmeme 12 Bugs of Christmas http://bit.ly/7S3Nya
RT @SilkCharm 12 Bugs of Christmas http://bit.ly/5vO271 <- bit of geeky Christmas frivolity. 🙂
I really must keep The 12 (software) Bugs of Christmas in mind for my next release of @ixcitable http://bit.ly/4Hlhw6