1. Thanks for this post – good example and great outline of why timing is so important in social media. I’m pondering whether Optus did have a plan for this at all. Let’s see what happens to the account; methinks it will die a quick death.

  2. Laurel,

    Your post is spot on. This is exactly the sort of social media worst practice that I have to try daily to stamp out. At Optus, we have a centralised team, which I lead, that manages the social media strategy company-wide, and is also tasked with educating the business about this space.

    Unfortunately, in such a large company, there’s always a few people that miss the memo, and channels like this are set up without the right thinking behind them. All our official (like, actually official) social media presences, such as http://www.twitter.com/optus are set up with a lifecycle in mind and with commonsense guidelines like avoiding spammy behaviour.

    I’ve been at Optus for a year tomorrow and in that time I’ve seen a massive change in the understanding of social media in the company. Are mistakes inevitable? Sure. The important thing is that we learn from them – you can bet that internally we will learn from this one.


    Sebastian Vasta
    Social Media Manager, Optus

  3. Nice post Laurel, but it was in fact the comment from Optus that has prompted this comment.

    @Sebastian, At the risk of coming across as patronising, I wanted to comment on how refreshing it is to see someone like yourself form a brand such as yours so promptly and transparently responding on this. Of course it is not rocket science and should be the norm, but so often it isn’t. Nice work.

    1. no problemo. You kids just chat amongst yourselves. I’ll sit here politely until you are finished. *fidgets* 😛

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